
Pretty much all Xapian operations revolve around a Xapian database. Before searches can be performed, details of the documents to be searched need to be put into a database; the search process then refers to the database to efficiently determine the best matches for a given query. The process of putting documents into the database is usually referred to as indexing.

The main information stored in a database is a mapping from each term to a list of all the documents it occurs in, together with various statistics about these occurrences. It may also store the full text, or extracts, from the documents, so that result summaries can be displayed. Databases can also contain additional data for spelling correction and synonym expansion, and developers can even store arbitrary key-value pairs in part of the database.


Xapian databases store data in custom formats which allow searches to be performed extremely quickly; Xapian does not use a relational database as its datastore. There are several database backends; the main backend in the 1.4 release series of Xapian is called the Glass backend. This stores information in the filesystem (under a given path).

It is possible to perform searches across multiple databases at once, and Xapian will handle merging the results together appropriately. This feature can be combined with remote databases to handle datasets which are too large for a single machine, by performing searches across multiple remote databases.


Document using add_database() to achieve this


trunk supports writable multi databases


mapping of docids

On-disk databases

As mentioned, Xapian 1.4 has a default database type called Glass; earlier formats can be upgraded using Xapian’s copydatabase utility. When opening an existing database, Xapian will automatically figure out the backend to use.

If you’re familiar with data storage structures, you might be interested to know that both Chert and Glass use a copy-on-write B+-tree structure - but don’t worry if that doesn’t mean anything to you!

Stub database files

Xapian supports a simple text file format for listing the locations of a set of databases (either on the local file system, or remote databases). Such files are called stub-databases, and can be used to point to a database when the physical database location may vary; for example, because a new database is being built nightly, and is named according to the date on which it was built.

These files are recognised by the autodetection in the Database constructor or you can open them explicitly using Xapian::DB_BACKEND_STUB.

If the path provided to the Database constructor is a directory containing a file called XAPIANDB, such XAPIANDB file is considered to be the stub database file.

The stub database format specifies one database per line, prefixed by the type. For example:

remote localhost:23876
auto /var/spool/xapian/webindex

This way you can have a pre-canned sets of databases to search.

Using such stub files you can swap databases atomically (with a file renaming) in a production environment without having to worry about race conditions. For example, if you want to rebuild the database from scratch and replace it, you can build the database using a new directory, prepare a stub file with the new path, and finally move the stub file over the one which the running code is using.

This technique is better than just replacing the database directory, which is affected by race conditions.

Database types

The current types understood by Xapian are:


This isn’t an actual database format, but rather auto-detection of one of the disk based backends (e.g. “chert” or “glass”). It takes a single specified path (which can be to a file or directory) as argument:

auto /var/spool/xapian/webindex
Glass is the default backend in Xapian 1.4.x. It supports incremental modifications, concurrent single-writer and multiple-reader access to a database. It’s very efficient and highly scalable, and more compact than chert. It takes a path as argument like auto.
Chert was the default backend in Xapian 1.2.x. It supports incremental modifications, concurrent single-writer and multiple-reader access to a database. It’s very efficient and highly scalable. It takes a path as argument like auto.
This type is a database held entirely in memory. It was originally written for testing purposes only, but may prove useful for building up temporary small databases.

This can specify either a “program” or TCP remote backend, for example:

remote :ssh xapian-progsrv /srv/xapian/db1



If the first character of the second word is a colon (:), then this is skipped and the remainder of the line is used as the command to run xapian-progsrv and the “program” variant of the remote backend is used. Otherwise the TCP variant of the remote backend is used, and the rest of the line specifies the host and port to connect to.


uses e.g. keeping latest changes in a small DB you merge periodically

In-memory databases

Xapian has an inmemory database type, which may be useful for testing and perhaps some short-term usage. However it is inefficient, and does not support all of Xapian’s features (such as spelling correction, synonyms or replication), so for production systems it is often better to use an on-disk database such as Glass, with the files stored in a RAM disk.

Remote databases and replication

Xapian’s remote database backend allows the database to be located on a different machine and accessed via a custom protocol.

There is also special support for replicating databases to multiple machines, such that only the parts of the database which have been modified are copied; this can be useful for redundancy and load-balancing purposes.

Concurrent access

Most backend formats (and certainly the main backend format for each release) will allow updates to be grouped into transactions, and will allow at least some old versions of the database to be searched while new ones are being written. Currently, all the backends only support a single writer existing at a given time; attempting to open another writer on the same database will throw xapian.DatabaseLockError to indicate that it wasn’t possible to acquire a lock. Multiple concurrent readers are supported (in addition to the writer).

When a database is opened for reading, a fixed snapshot of the database is referenced by the reader, (essentially Multi-Version Concurrency Control). Updates which are made to the database will not be visible to the reader unless it calls xapian.Database.reopen(). If the reader is already reading the latest committed version of the database then reopen() has no effect and is a cheap operation, so if you are reusing the same xapian.Database object for multiple searches then it is a reasonable strategy to call reopen() prior to each search.

Currently Xapian’s disk based backends have a limitation to their multi-version concurrency implementation - specifically, at most two versions can exist concurrently. Therefore a reader will be able to access its snapshot of the database without limitations when only one change has been made and committed by the writer, but after the writer has made two changes, readers will receive a xapian.DatabaseModifiedError if they attempt to access a part of the database which has changed. In this situation, the reader can be updated to the latest version using the xapian.Database.reopen() method.


With the disk-based Xapian backends, when a database is opened for writing, a lock is obtained on the database to ensure that no further writers are opened concurrently. This lock will be released when the database writer is closed (or automatically if the writer process dies).

One unusual feature of Xapian’s locking mechanism (at least on POSIX operating systems other than Linux) is that Xapian forks a subprocess to hold the lock, rather than holding it in the main process. This is to avoid the lock being accidentally released due to the slightly unhelpful semantics of fcntl locks. Linux kernel 3.15 added new OFD fcntl locks which have more helpful semantics which Xapian uses in preference, avoiding the need to fork a subprocess to hold the lock.